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Category: Health

pain relief Feb10th 2022

Put Down The Painkillers: A PT Can Provide You Better Pain Relief!

On average, 130 people die of an opioid overdose every day in the United States. It’s a stunning statistic that sadly impacts nearly every community in our country since opioid abuse and addiction affect people from all walks of life. Many people who become addicted to opioids were first prescribed them by a medical doctor

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Dec20th 2021

3 Ways Staying Active as You Age Can Benefit Your Overall Health

Are you in your fifth, sixth, or seventh decade of life? You might start to notice aches, pains, and other issues are making movement more difficult for you. There are so many things to look forward to with age—spending more time with loved ones, watching your family grow, and experiencing new things. Unfortunately, as we

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Sep20th 2021

7 Ways To Control Pain and Inflammation With A Better Diet

We indeed are what we eat. Food is medicine, and we should treat it as such by being careful what we choose to put into our bodies. Eating the wrong things can often cause pain and inflammation in many individuals, which may necessitate a change in eating habits. Many people hear the words “diet” and

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